This animated version of "The Tell-Tale Heart," by Edgar Allan Poe, was narrated by Steve Anderson and illustrated by Eraklis Petmezas. You can view it here.
This particular short story has been adapted into several television shows and movies. You can also view "The Bet" eText at the Adam Smith Academy website.
"The Boarding House" was a short story originally published in 1914 as a part of the literary classic, "Dubliners." It is considered one of James Joyce's favorite short stories.
The Adam Smith Academy is dedicated to producing original audio-VISUAL educational content, and distributing it through the latest technology, such as, iPods, iPhones, DVDs and online streaming videos. By creating short, narrated and illustrated “movies” of classic literature, history, economics and philosophy, parents and teachers can increase interest, comprehension and retention of difficult subject matter by delivering it to students in their favored formats.